Is the maximum of Solar Cycle 25 happening right now? When is the next solar maximum? Is it already happening?


A compilation of some amazing solar eruptions that have been observed during the first half of September.


NOAA 3825 produced its 2nd X-class flare in as many days. The X4.5 flare peaked on 14 September at 15:29UTC. ***UPDATED (1)***


80 years ago, the Allies liberated Brussels, and this event did not go unnoticed by our solar observers.


Once more, the solar physics team of the Royal Observatory of Belgium invites external researchers to join in the data exploitation of its space telescopes on the PROBA2 microsatellite (SWAP, LYRA) and on Solar Orbiter (EUI).


Fundamental Research

The STCE does Fundamental Research.

Public Outreach

Open DoorsThe STCE does public outreach during the STCE Annual Meeting and the Open Doors of the Space Pole in Uccle.

One of the highlights of the Open Doors is always a visit to the Solar Dome. A small introductory presentation is first given in the corridor of the SIDC. Skilled observers and space weather forecasters explain in laymen terminology what sunspots are, how they are observed, why these observations are so important, and how solar eruptions affect us and our technology. Then, the small groups of 10-15 people are guided stairs towards the top of the solar dome. There, the various solar telescopes are shown and their specific applications are discussed. Weather permitting, the visitors can also make solar observations using a projected solar image from the white light solar telescope. During and after the visit, there is plenty of opportunity to ask questions to the guides.


Travel Info





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